Hashtags: voor succes

  • Datum: 06 February 2018
  • Leestijd: 3 Minuten
  • Blogger: Gurby Bulo

The Hashtag has cemented itself in the social media world and it has been used by other social media users on Facebook, Intagram, Twitter, Google+ and even LinkedIn. It has become a common sign that we now see on different social media platform.

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What is a hashtag?


The hashtag is the pound sign (#) on your keyboard and is usually used in front of a word, words or phrase like #Helpsmghelpyou . It is used to categorize a topic that you have in mind.

Can hastags be used for different social media platforms?

Yes. Hashtags are used on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ and even LinkedIn. When using them for these social media platforms it is best not to use punctuation or special characters with it because they will break the tag. Be sure to keep spelling correct and limit your tags to three by mail. Hashtags are visible with publicly set profiles. Private profiles can still use tags but people outside their circles will not be able to see them.


Hashtags on Twitter

This is the birthplace of hashtags. On Twitter, hashtags are used with relevant words regarding broad topics. It helps break up information into smaller chunks and maximizes the limited character count for this social media service. Twitter suggests to use only two tags per tweet.

Hashtags on Facebook

Trending hash tags are typically created by influencers and brands. One specific tag per update would be enough in ending a post. Save your tags for updates or conversations or make your audience aware of something you have in mind.

Hashtags on Instagram

For brands and businesses, this is the best place to use the tag. Instagram accomodates up to 30 hashtags per photo or video. It also allows the use of emoji in the tag. Highlight with hashtags what makes your brand different from the others. 

Hashtags on Google+

When using hashtags for Google+, relevant keywords are necessary. Specific words for updates regarding your brand will help it be searchable on Google. One hashtag for every post is sufficient enough. Tag words and phrases relevant to your brand or post. The maximum limit for tags on Google+ is three tags per post.

Hashtags on LinkedIn

Industry and topic-specific tags are used on this platform. Keeping your message clean without the distraction of a hashtag is important for this social media service, so you can use it at the end of a post. It is suggested by LinkedIn that you should use one tag by post. Do not clutter your post with hashtags since this is a site for professional and business interactions.

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  • Blogger: Gurby Bulo
  • E-mail: [email protected]
  • Online Marketing Strategy Expert bij Social Media Gids
  • Internet ondernemer Gurby Bulo is de oprichter van Social Media Gids en gastheer van @SMG Hangout. Met zijn virtuele team volgen zij de laatste social media ontwikkelingen op de voet omdat zij dat leuk vinden;-) en om jou binnen jouw branch te voorzien van de laatste trends en juiste handvatten in de social media markt.
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